Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where are you located?

My office is located in the Castro neighborhood, at 126 Church Street, between Market and Dubuce. Street parking can be a challenge, but is generally available nearby.

  • What are your rates?

My rate is $175 per 50 minute session for individuals and $225 per 50 minute session for couples. I'm happy to discuss fee arrangements before we meet for our first session.  A number of reduced fee openings are usually available for those with financial need.

  • Do you accept insurance?

I do not bill insurance companies directly. I am, however, happy to provide you with with a detailed billing statement that may be reimbursable by your provider for out-of-network services. Your employee Health Savings Account is also an option for reimbursement.

  • What are your hours?

I work afternoons and most evenings during the week until 8:00 p.m.